Saturday, June 12, 2010

Science is not an absolute...

This was my reply to a science article claiming they knew how the earth began. Afterwords people began to bash Christianity. After the post, I garnered massive "dislikes" as opposed to "likes" but no one on their could discredit what the Holy Spirit directed me to wright.

Ok everyone who is adamantly defending science by using science to prove your point, I will use science to prove my point. Scientifically you can not gain order out of chaos. Just the opposite is true, Order spirals into Chaos. A simple example of this is if you clean your closet but inevitably it will get dirty. It can never happen in reverse. The simple fact that the "proven" theory of the speed of light being a constant is now being proven wrong. The speed of light is slowing down. This proves that everything has it's beginning. Now as to where that beginning came from is also scientifically an absolute anomaly. Since matter and energy can not be created nor destroyed, that means it had has a beginning point. Take the astronomy. They can see to the edge of the universe, they know that it has and ending. Take quantum physics. They can get to the point that matter ends, not that it is destroyed, that it ends. Proof that we are in a box. Now if you take a 10 dimensional view it can prove a much deeper understanding of a Creator. I know that I will not be able to convince anyone who is here to bash Christianity, but here is an interesting tid-bit. Science proves it's self wrong constantly, but can not disprove God, however the Bible continuously proves its self right, and science wrong. As someone said the "bible beaters" tought that the world was flat for eons. Not true, look at the book of Job and you will see that he eludes to the world being circular. There is much more scientific information in there out side of this as well. Another scientific fact that would point to a -10,000 year old earth would be that the Sun expends about 200,000 Tons of energy per year, (my numbers my be off on that, but you get the idea.) On this point, scientists say that the sun will one day burn out. Now if the earth was billions of years old, and the sun was equally as old, then the sun would envelope the earths space, and it wouldn't exist. I dare anyone to disprove any of these Scientific facts. It's not possible. All things point to a creator, and that creator is Jesus Christ. The reason I can say this is because unlike science, the bible is 100% accurate in it's statement and prophesies. Want to challenge that, just look at the state of Israel right now and tell me a prophesy over two thousand years old in the book of Ezekiel is inaccurate. Most Christians are not well equipped to handle persecution because they are subject to this pagan worlds views. Even if they profess their faith and truly are saved that doesn't mean that their accurate portrayal of the scriptures are always correct. A lot of the problem lies in translation into English. If you want the real story learn Hebrew. Get your facts straight before you speak, or you look foolish.

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