Friday, June 18, 2010

The Cost to Jesus for our Salvation

We will never quite know what it took for Christ to die for our sins. What that cost was had to be beyond human understanding. The creator of this Earth, being beaten and mocked by the very creation He created. What it must have taken for Him not to fully and justifiably destroy everything and everyone who had ever lived. The torment of the Holy Spirit to endure that which he knew, and harrowed was coming from before the dawn of time. How about what it must have been like for the Father to have to watch as His own child was spit on and dismantled to the point he was not even recognizable as a human being. Surly I tell you, the cost to the trinity was beyond words.

His last day on Earth was without equal on this planet before, or since. He knew everything that was going to happen to him, and even was the mastermind behind His own death. He set the wheels in motion at the Passover supper when He said someone will betray Him, prompting Judas to act quickly or else Jesus would get away. He knew that it had to occur on Passover, yet it was unlawful for the Jewish people to hold court on a Sabbath. In fact everything that occurred that night, and the following day was completely unlawful. From the Judges arresting and convicting him, to the crucifixion on a Jewish feast, nothing was done properly. He was proclaimed innocent by Pilot, yet He was condemned by the masses. To prevent a riot, Pilot gave the order, and then washed His hands of the situation. In a way I feel bad for Pilot. I don’t think he wanted to do it, I think that all the pressure made him do it. I would like to think that once he got word of the resurrection he converted to a believer. I don’t know this, but it would be a very nice ending to that part.

After the order was given, they beat Jesus so badly that it made him almost look inhuman. The New Testament give details, but the book of Isaiah gives better details. They pulled out His beard, the whipped Him, and punched Him in the face. Let’s just think about that for a second. They pulled out His beard in clumps. Imagine how His face would have looked. Bloody and disfigured. He was so tired and weary from the brutality that He was unable to walk on His own. The mocked Him with the crown of thorn’s. Let’s just call a spade a spade; in essence He became a meat sack. The injuries he sustained that day would probably been enough to kill Him, but then they nailed Him on a wooden cross, and displayed Him to the masses as a common criminal and liar.

After He died, He was taken down and placed in a tomb of an extremely wealthy man. That, in and of itself, is a prophecy spoken of in the Old Testament. Where He was laid to rest in the tomb on the following day, then Romans placed guards to prevent anyone from stealing the body. When He was resurrected that Sunday morning, He was the same person he was when He died. Still had the nail prints, still had the disfigurements from the beating. He isn’t the Jesus we think about in the pictures, all hansom and cleaned up. To the contrary, he would have looked the way he did when He was buried. That is why Mary didn’t recognize Him until he spoke, that is why the two disciples didn’t recognize him until He broke the bread. Peter knew it was Him because He told him to cast the net on the other side of the boat just as before.

We know that when we get to heaven we will see exactly we did to Him on that fateful and horrible day. As it says in Revelation, “I see a lamb as it had been slaughtered.” . But, rejoice, because His death wasn’t a tragedy, it was an accomplishment. It was the ultimate accomplishment by a Loving and Merciful God.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our body as the Temple of God...Literal or Figure of Speech

As Christians we all know that we are the Temple of God. Most of us read this, ponder it for about 30 seconds, then continue on. There may be more to this though then meets the eye. It is mentioned in the bible 7 times, meaning it is important. I believe that it isn't so much a metaphor an more of an actual fact. In the Torah God gave specific instructions on how the Tabernacle is suppose to be built.

When Solomon built the Temple, it was built in the same fashion except that it included additional areas. New to it was the porch, pillars, and secrete storage areas for the priest. Inside this storage area they used to put false idols and stuff they were not suppose to. In the picture below the brown boxes are these storage areas.

Now when Christ died on the cross, the shroud concealing the Holy of Hollies was torn in half. When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD, they destroyed the Temple for the second time, and it hasn't been rebuilt since.
Now when you look at the architecture of the Temple and the architecture of a person, a very strange thing occurs. Similar to a computer the hardware is our bodies, and the our traits is the software.

Our body's seem to represent exactly how the temple was set up. Our bodies are the actual structure of the temple where everything else dwells. The porch is our will power, is it good, is it bad. Are we allowed into the Holy Place to worship God, or are we doing things that make us unclean? Our Soul is in the inner court, it filters everything we come into contact with, and put things into perspective, more or less our consciousness. The heart is in the holy place. It is the place to which we offer our sacrifices to Christ, as well as ask for forgiveness, and offer worship. Our is located in the Holy of Hollies, where God resides. It is where we have our personal relationship with the Lord. The bible says that only God can separate the Soul and the Spirit. Our subconscious is where we store the skeletons in our closet. Things only we know, our dirty secretes, and things we have long forgotten.
As you can see, saying that we are the Temple of the Lord is much more then a statement, it is more of an extremely high honor. Be aware that it was an extreme offence for the Jews to desecrate the temple by being unclean, just as it is in our bodies This is an amazing example of the divine plan of God. He never ceases to bless me.

A very interesting point involving written languages

A simple but effective point to show God's sovereignty over this Earth. Almost all written language points towards Israel. If your east of there you will most likely write from right to left, whereas if you are west of their you will most likely write from left to right. As funny and strange as this may seem, there is another example of this hidden in the first five book so the Bible, called the Torah. In the Hebrew translation it is spelled Torh. In the Hebrew text there is a 49 space code that spells T-o-r-h in both Genesis and Exodus in the very first couple of verses in each book. Then when you get to Leviticus it there. Then both the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy spells h-r-o-T. Torh spelled backwards. That's incredible enough, but then you go and look at the book of Leviticus something incredible happens. Now keep in mind that it is Leviticus that Law is given, and explained to Moses, and alse where he handed the covenant to man. The space of 49 reveals nothing, but the number of completion does...7. The space code of 7 in Hebrew spells YHWH, the inspeakable name of God. That gives me chills everytime I read it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Science is not an absolute...

This was my reply to a science article claiming they knew how the earth began. Afterwords people began to bash Christianity. After the post, I garnered massive "dislikes" as opposed to "likes" but no one on their could discredit what the Holy Spirit directed me to wright.

Ok everyone who is adamantly defending science by using science to prove your point, I will use science to prove my point. Scientifically you can not gain order out of chaos. Just the opposite is true, Order spirals into Chaos. A simple example of this is if you clean your closet but inevitably it will get dirty. It can never happen in reverse. The simple fact that the "proven" theory of the speed of light being a constant is now being proven wrong. The speed of light is slowing down. This proves that everything has it's beginning. Now as to where that beginning came from is also scientifically an absolute anomaly. Since matter and energy can not be created nor destroyed, that means it had has a beginning point. Take the astronomy. They can see to the edge of the universe, they know that it has and ending. Take quantum physics. They can get to the point that matter ends, not that it is destroyed, that it ends. Proof that we are in a box. Now if you take a 10 dimensional view it can prove a much deeper understanding of a Creator. I know that I will not be able to convince anyone who is here to bash Christianity, but here is an interesting tid-bit. Science proves it's self wrong constantly, but can not disprove God, however the Bible continuously proves its self right, and science wrong. As someone said the "bible beaters" tought that the world was flat for eons. Not true, look at the book of Job and you will see that he eludes to the world being circular. There is much more scientific information in there out side of this as well. Another scientific fact that would point to a -10,000 year old earth would be that the Sun expends about 200,000 Tons of energy per year, (my numbers my be off on that, but you get the idea.) On this point, scientists say that the sun will one day burn out. Now if the earth was billions of years old, and the sun was equally as old, then the sun would envelope the earths space, and it wouldn't exist. I dare anyone to disprove any of these Scientific facts. It's not possible. All things point to a creator, and that creator is Jesus Christ. The reason I can say this is because unlike science, the bible is 100% accurate in it's statement and prophesies. Want to challenge that, just look at the state of Israel right now and tell me a prophesy over two thousand years old in the book of Ezekiel is inaccurate. Most Christians are not well equipped to handle persecution because they are subject to this pagan worlds views. Even if they profess their faith and truly are saved that doesn't mean that their accurate portrayal of the scriptures are always correct. A lot of the problem lies in translation into English. If you want the real story learn Hebrew. Get your facts straight before you speak, or you look foolish.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The book of Judges...a Modern day account

In the Old testament book of Judges there is an interesting verse in 21:25 that says

"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

That statement isn't an encuraging one, but less; a damning one. See if man thinks and does as he feels and it falls against Gods order then it isn't OK. You must be accountable to the King who will judge you on your deads.

Just because Israel didn't have have a "king" in place in the form of government didn't mean that they didn't have the Torah, which shows that God alone is King. This flows into the thrid commandment "that shall not take the Lord, thy God's name in Vain," but we will get to that in a second.

So in their eyes if they felt something was right they would compromise the laws of Moses. In doing this, it produced a whole new generation that was degenerate and full of misgiven information. The Israelites then began to live among idolaters and become contaminated by their culture.

So why is this important to us now???

Well, look at the Chruch and society today. Can you not see homosexuals preaching in churches. Can you not see how it has become a "don't judge me, I'll do as I please," society. The montra has changed from in God we trust to if it feels good, and makes you happy then go ahead and do it.

Yes, I know, we do have a government and a president in place that suspose to tell us right from wrong. The problem with this is that we no longer have Christian leadership within our government, and heck even in alot of professing Christian Churches.

So lets go back to the ten commandments. "Thou shall not take thy Lord your God's name in Vain." Most people percieve that as meaning don't cuss by God or Christ name (I.E. G-- Da-- it). I challenge you to look at that commandment from a different perspective. From this verse I see nothing about vulgar language and more about taking the King's name vain. If the King, (President) is in position to lead it's nation, then it needs to be in the direction that the King of Kings instructs them to follow. If they do not do this then by taking that leadership role is taking the Lords name in vain. Simply put if they are appointed to be a leader, but not anointed by God, then just calling themselves king doesn't make them a king.

Because of Christ, the Church is what Israel was. Since we curcified the rightful heir, and he has yet to lay clame to what He purchased in blood, we are still forced to rely on a human King. Obviously becasue of intentinal disobeadience of the third commandment every Generation since God has been cast out of our Government has become worse and worse. We played on the border of a slippery slope, and have fallen off the side. We can't correct the damage we've caused ourselves. At this point only God can annoint a King to correct this. That annointed King is the lion of the tribe of Juda, the decendent of David...Yeshua. Jesus the Christ.

We need to look to our King. No longer should we trust or support the governments of this world for they are corrupt and compromised. Christ, and only Christ, can correct the blinding inequities that are occuring in this world now in His holy name.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

New though that boggles the mind.

In the book of Genesis chapter 5 there is a geneology from Adam to Noah. Funny thing is, on the first glance it seems boring, and sort of like an "OK this is nice to know, but is it really that important." Turns out there is alot more to this that meets the eye. If you look at the Hebrew names find the root of the names of the individuals, and translate them, they make a sentence of their own...Below is what is said:

Adam = Man
Seth = Appointed
Enosh = Mortal
Kenan = Sorrow
Mahalalel = The Blessed God
Jared = Shall come down
Enoch = Teaching
Methuselah = His Death shall bring
Lamech = The Disparing
Noah = Comfort, Rest

That is the unedited geneology as put forth in Genesis, and the root word translated. You can probably see it already but it says....

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the disparing rest (and) comfort.

If that doesn't give you chills up and down your back, then your not human. God hid this message in a very weird place. No mortal man could have gone this indept without the holy spirit's finger prints all over it. Dont take my word for this though, find out for yourself.


Monday, June 7, 2010

My plea for Wisdom, and the resulting outcome

About 3 months ago I prayed for the Father to Give me Wisdom. I never quite exprected what would happen after that. My eyes were opened wide to the inequities of this world, and for the first time I realized just how fallen man has become.
If you harken back to Sodom and Gomorrah you will catch a glimps of what modern day society has become. Homosexual acts were the constant norm as well as full blown sexual imorality. They worshiped pegan gods, and "individual freedom" was touted above all else.
That is a mirror image of what we are witnessing today. The socially exceptible Homosexual lifestyle has become the new GQ and Vanity Fair antham. Everywhere we look we see sexual explecit material, and vulgarity that 25 years ago would have gotten the movie producers, cable companies, radio stations and record lables into a FCC lawsuit. With the invention of the internet, pornography is now more easily excessible to children and adults then education is.
As far as our modern day society goes concerining the worship of pegan gods, where do I start? Television, Movies, Self-help books, life coaches, psychologest, L. Ron Hubbard, Christian science and the list goes on. Pretty much anything that is the center of your life is your god. Therefore if you have something you put more time and energey towards then the being the servant of Christ, then whatever it may be is your god. In all honesty most people probably don't think about Christ or anything Christian related but maybe easter and Christman. Even the "professing" Christians aren't immune to this. They Put on their fancy clothes and walk to their services or Mass and here the pastor preach a "topical" sermon most of the time, then leave. Not having to think about Chruch for another week. Christ said that not every one who comes and say's "Lord Lord" will inter into the kingdom of Heaven.
The last part to this rant is that people place their individual freedoms above all else. The United States of America in it's "infinate wisdom" decided that it is better to error on the side of caution and not offend one person then to alinate an entire culture. When they baned prayer in public schools, that was the beginig of the end for America. Our crime rate, drug rate, Teen pregnancy rate, and moral structure hit an all time high. With creationism removed from the curriculum, science was free to currupt our childrens minds. Within one generation our family values were gone.
As I see it, Just as in the days of Sodom and Gammorah, God is about to unleash is vengence upon us. In future posts I will explain this subject further. But for now surfice it to say, we are so close to Christs return, I may not have another post.
