Monday, June 7, 2010

My plea for Wisdom, and the resulting outcome

About 3 months ago I prayed for the Father to Give me Wisdom. I never quite exprected what would happen after that. My eyes were opened wide to the inequities of this world, and for the first time I realized just how fallen man has become.
If you harken back to Sodom and Gomorrah you will catch a glimps of what modern day society has become. Homosexual acts were the constant norm as well as full blown sexual imorality. They worshiped pegan gods, and "individual freedom" was touted above all else.
That is a mirror image of what we are witnessing today. The socially exceptible Homosexual lifestyle has become the new GQ and Vanity Fair antham. Everywhere we look we see sexual explecit material, and vulgarity that 25 years ago would have gotten the movie producers, cable companies, radio stations and record lables into a FCC lawsuit. With the invention of the internet, pornography is now more easily excessible to children and adults then education is.
As far as our modern day society goes concerining the worship of pegan gods, where do I start? Television, Movies, Self-help books, life coaches, psychologest, L. Ron Hubbard, Christian science and the list goes on. Pretty much anything that is the center of your life is your god. Therefore if you have something you put more time and energey towards then the being the servant of Christ, then whatever it may be is your god. In all honesty most people probably don't think about Christ or anything Christian related but maybe easter and Christman. Even the "professing" Christians aren't immune to this. They Put on their fancy clothes and walk to their services or Mass and here the pastor preach a "topical" sermon most of the time, then leave. Not having to think about Chruch for another week. Christ said that not every one who comes and say's "Lord Lord" will inter into the kingdom of Heaven.
The last part to this rant is that people place their individual freedoms above all else. The United States of America in it's "infinate wisdom" decided that it is better to error on the side of caution and not offend one person then to alinate an entire culture. When they baned prayer in public schools, that was the beginig of the end for America. Our crime rate, drug rate, Teen pregnancy rate, and moral structure hit an all time high. With creationism removed from the curriculum, science was free to currupt our childrens minds. Within one generation our family values were gone.
As I see it, Just as in the days of Sodom and Gammorah, God is about to unleash is vengence upon us. In future posts I will explain this subject further. But for now surfice it to say, we are so close to Christs return, I may not have another post.


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